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Saturday, May 9, 2020

6 Best Biceps Exercises for Men's Arm Workouts

Best Biceps Exercises
Below are 8 (eight) of the most effective biceps exercises for overall development, strength, and aesthetics.
1.Barbel curl
The barbell curl is one among the more iconic biceps exercises so far. When done correctly this exercise targets the biceps and may add serious size and strength to the whole muscle, over and over again with higher amounts of loading the opposite biceps exercises.

3 Benefits of the Barbell Curl
Below are three benefits of the barbell curl that coaches and athletes can expect to realize when adding this barbell training classic to training programs.
1. Simple and Effective
Once you've mastered the technique (which you'll do so by reading below), you'll simply add load or reps and build some serious pipes with this barbell-based exercise. The power to include higher amounts of loading to bar makes this exercise still one among the most foundational biceps exercises out there.
2. Increase Arm Size
While there are a plethora of biceps exercises and methods to settle on from, the barbell curl finds its way at the highest of each one, primarily due the very fact that it allows a lifter to load weight on a bar, and move it. The general stimulus of overloading a muscle group and lifting to failure can't be beat. That said, tons of lifters may skip ahead and check out fancier, more flashy versions of biceps exercises. Make certain to master this one first to create mass, and then add the more isolated movements afterwards.
3. General Upper Body Arm Strength
One aspect of coaching strength and size is loading, and therefore the barbell curl allows for just that. Simply put, the barbell curl allows a lifter to use slightly more weight than in other more isolated exercises (such because the concentration curl), which helps to create general arm size and strength, the building blocks of an excellent arm program.

How to Perform the Barbell Curl
Below may be a short guide the way to perform the barbell curl.
• Step 1: Grab a barbell with an underhand grip, slightly wider than the shoulders.
Step 2: With the chest up and shoulder blades pulled tightly together, expose the front of your biceps by pulling the shoulders back to the socket. The elbows should reside under the shoulder, or slightly ahead by the ribs.
• Step 3: Curl the barbell up using the biceps, ensuring to not let the upper body bend forward, shoulder collapse forward, or the elbows slide backwards to the side of the body (they should stay slightly ahead of the shoulders).

2. Chin-Up
The chin-up may be a body weight exercise which will make serious muscle growth of the biceps (and back). Often, however, lifters may perform these incorrectly, employing a lot of the anterior shoulder and grip muscles. Make certain to read the how-to-section to maximize chin-up performance, strength, and muscle building.

3 Benefits of the Chin-Up
Below are three benefits of the chin-up that coaches and athletes can expect to realize when adding this body weight mass building exercise to training programs.

1. Upper Body Pulling Strength
The chin-up is often wont to increase upper body strength necessary for overall performance, pull-up training, and general size.
2. No Equipment Needed
Chin-ups, pull-ups, dips, push-ups, etc don't require any additional weight or equipment, making it an excellent body weight exercise to include into any program. Together progresses, they will increase the quantity (reps) of the chin-up and/or eventually add external loading (weighted vest, dumbbells, chains, etc).
3. Move one’s Body weight
This is a skill that a lot of recreational lifters are deficient at. The power to trick one’s body with control and stability is important for functional fitness, lifestyle, and injury prevention. Make certain to master the chin-up and other body weight movements additionally to adding loading elsewhere.

How to Perform the Chin-Up
Below may be a brief guide the way to perform the chin-up
• Step 1: Hang from a bar with the wrists supinated (palms facing you) and therefore the hands about shoulder-width apart, or slightly wider. The broader the hands the more back are involved and fewer front shoulder.
• Step 2: From a dead hang, pull back and depress the scapula in order that the center back is stable, ensuring to stay the chest up and head cradled in between the arms.
• Step 3: With a straight, hollow core position, slightly recline and pull you chin over the rear, ensuring to not let the body fold inwards (so many of us do this). This may obviously be easier than holding the right position, but also will add additional strain on the shoulders.
3. EZ Bar Preacher Curl
The EZ bar preacher curl is a bicep curl through with a specialty bar. This specialty bar places the wrist during a 30-45 degree suppurated angle, slightly different than the quality straight bar. This will help to stimulate different muscle fibers of the bicep and help to reduce strain on the wrists in lifters who may have discomfort with a straight barbell curl.

3 Benefits of the EZ Bar Preacher Curl
Below are three benefits of the EZ bar preacher curl that coaches and athletes can expect to realize when adding this isolation exercise to training programs.
1. Stimulate New Muscle Fibers
The EZ bar curl allows us to challenge the biceps at varying angles in comparison to the straight bar. This will be helpful at stimulating new muscle growth and adding variety into arm training.
2. Grow them Peaks
The EZ bar curl does an honest job of isolating the biceps and allows for a deeper degree of flexion at the highest of the movement, furthering the contraction.
3. Joint-Friendly Grip
This semi-supinated grip placement are often less staining on the wrists than the straight bar in come lifters who may find discomfort when using the barbell/straight bar bicep curl.

How to Perform the EZ Bar Preacher Curl
Below may be a brief guide the way to perform the EZ bar preacher curl.
• Step 1: Set your body within the same position because the standard barbell bicep curl (chest up, shoulders back, and elbows slightly forward).
• Step 2: Grasp the EZ bar handle on the inner angled pieces. This may place your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width and on a semi-supinated angle.
• Step 3: With the body locked in situ, curl the bar upwards as you flex the biceps, briefly pausing at the highest of the curl to flex the biceps. Lower in check, and repeat.

4. Hammer Curl (Dumbbell)
The hammer curl may be a dumbbell curl variation that places the wrists within the neutral position, therefore isolating the outer biceps and forearm.

3 Benefits of the Hammer Curl
Below are three benefits of the hammer curls that coaches and athletes can expect to realize when adding this bicep and forearm building exercises to training programs.

1. Increased Arm Size and Strength
The hammer curl, like many of the exercises on this list, can boost arm size and strength significantly. Unlike the opposite movements, however, the hammer curl adds size and strength to the outer aspect of the biceps and forearms.
2. Improved Grip Strength
The hammer curl can increase grip strength thanks to its targeting of the outer biceps and forearm/grip muscles.
3. Wrist Stability
The varied wrist position (neutral) can help to strengthen the wrist in other positions than simply suspiration and pronation, making the hammer curls an honest exercise to strengthen wrist stability and grip strength while training arms.

How to Perform the Hammer Curl
Below may be a brief guide the way to perform the hammer curl.
• Step 1: Grab a pair of dumbbells with the hands to your sides, palms facing the body. The chest should be tall, shoulders set back and down the rear, and therefore the elbows under shoulders.
• Step 2: Lift the dumbbell upwards in order that the thumbs come up first, ensuring to not rotate the wrist into the supinated or pronated position (keep the wrist neutral).
• Step 3: The elbows should enter about 100-130 degrees of flexion, forcing the biceps to contract aggressively at the highest. Then, lower in check and repeat.
5. Incline Dumbbell Curl
The incline dumbbell curl may be a bicep curl variation that placed the lifter during a position that doesn't allow the shoulder to get entangled. By placing the lifter on an incline bench, the torso is reclined, exposing more of the biceps and increasing the general range of motion

3 Benefits of the Incline Dumbbell Curl
Below are three benefits of the incline dumbbell curl that coaches and athletes can expect to realize when adding this dumbbell curl variation exercise to training programs.
1. Greater Range of Motion
Increasing the range of motion via an incline bench can increase tension on the biceps and train the muscle through new ranges; ultimately increasing muscle damage and stimulating new muscle fibers.
2. Minimal Shoulder Involvement
The incline bench setup forces the lifter to stay the shoulders pulled back and out of the movement, placing higher amounts of loading and strain on the biceps instead of allowing the shoulder to collapse forward and ultimately use the anterior deltoid to lift the load.
3. Little Cheating Allowed
This position leaves little to chance in terms of cheating, meaning that it’s an excellent thanks to confirm lifters are isolating the biceps correctly and not just swinging or using the shoulders to maneuver the load .
How to Perform the Incline Dumbbell Curl
Below may be a brief guide the way to perform the incline dumbbell curl.
• Step 1: Set an incline bench at a 45-70 degree angle.
• Step 2: Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them by your sides, as you pull the shoulders back and position the chest upwards. The rear and shoulder blades should be pulled tightly together. This may pin the shoulder back and keep them out of the movement
• Step 3: With the elbows down towards the ground , curl the weights up to slightly past parallel (about 100 degrees of elbow flexion), pause, contract, then slowly lower the load and repeat.

6. Cable Curl
The cable curl is often used to integrate cable training into biceps workout. Using cables can increase time under tension, leave strength to be challenged throughout the range of motion, and enhance muscle growth and engagement via different loading patterns/angles.

3 Benefits of the Cable Curl
Below are three benefits of the cable curl that coaches and athletes can expect to realize when adding this cable exercise to training programs.
1. Increased Time under Tension
Increasing the time under tension via cable training can help to extend hypertrophy and muscular demands on the biceps.
2. Varied Angles
The ability to vary the angle makes it very easy to feature variety and train the biceps curl (or other bicep exercise) from a rather different angle. In doing so, you'll keep the muscle fibers guessing and never allow them to completely adjust to at least one movement/angle
3.Control Ranges of Motion
The cables allow coaches and lifters to control the range of motion and angles at which the movement is performed, which may be helpful with lifers who may have limitations with certain “fixed” exercises and/or are looking to vary their biceps training up to stimulate new muscle growth
How to Perform the Cable Curl
Below may be a brief guide the way to perform the cable curl.
• Step 1: Set the cables at the specified height, often from a coffee position.
• Step 2: Grab the handles, rope, or bar attachment and perform the specified curl variation

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